Wevare excited to announce a new partnership with ARRI, the industry leader in cinema cameras and professional camera accessories.
Cinemachine will now supply and support ARRI’s line of Pro Camera Accessories including the Hi-5 Electronic Control System & accessories, Third Party Support Systems, Matte Boxes, Filters, Crew Supplies and More!

We’re keen to bring these amazing accessories into our local WA sales department to give Western Australian filmmakers access to this high end equipment while providing our in house technical knowledge and customer support.

We’re happy to announce that we are making the process of shopping for ARRI Pro Camera Accessories faster and easier with the full catalogue available with pricing on our website - cinemachine.com.au . Products are searchable by name or serial number making it easier than ever to track down the exact item you are looking for.

ARRI Pro Camera Accessories are known for their innovation, incredible build quality, user-friendly design and are favoured by professionals around the world.